So you have a test coming up in your most difficult class; and you are relieved to find out that the teacher is going to spend an entire class reviewing material for the test.
You come to class with pencil and paper ready to take notes. The other students who are normally late for class or sleep in the back are there early and desperate to absorb as much as possible.
The teacher arrives with lecture notes and fresh markers for the board. He writes equations and some quotes on the board.
The excitement is palpable.
The teacher begins his lecture and 1 minute and 2o seconds in Dufus Dumberson asks the very first question. Your teacher answers the question briefly so he can move on, but Dufus wants clarification. The teacher expounds a little and then Dufus asks a follow up. Your teacher tries to pick someone else by pointing at them, but Dufus interupts.
Suddenly the mood in the class changes. Everyone in the room can feel the tension building except Dumberson.
Before you know what happened Dufus has been yammering for 20 minutes and a third of your chance at passing this class has gone down the toilet, because Dufus can't let the teacher finish a sentence.
If everyone in class is answering your question and groaning every time you open your piehole, then maybe you should crack your book once and awhile AssClown!
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